Photo by Allan Mas As I recover from the gluttonous holiday break, I quickly realize that it is that time of year again. That time when you assess what went well and what fell short the year prior. The time to set new goals -professional and personal. I had to chuckle the other day when my wife, Aja, and I were discussing which gym we wanted to join, if any at all. Were we really going to benefit from an annual membership or quickly become another statistic from which the more than 31,000 fitness gyms across the U.S. thrive? Bodies in the gym spike to unusually high numbers in Q1 but return to normal by April. Many folks put a stake in the ground with rejuvenated energy claiming THIS is the year they are going to get back in shape and shed the undesired pounds. I love this and encourage it wholeheartedly yet goals such as trying to change your physique from a Chris Farley to a Brad Pitt, fail more often than they succeed. Why is that?
Unrealistic expectations? Too much too soon? Lack of conviction? No accountability ? The list goes on but suffice it to say that if the reason for why we want to reach a goal is not important enough, we can always come up with excuses as to why we fall short. Understanding the why in goal setting is often taken too lightly yet it is critical in giving us any chance in reaching that goal. This is the point where you ask yourself and share with others what you want to accomplish and why you want to accomplish it. Whether it is getting in better shape, getting promoted in your job, earning more money, or getting more involved in your community, list the reasons why you want to do it and how you want them to make you feel. Nail that down first, then set your sights on how you want to accomplish it. We can then look at our behavioral habits that either get in the way or help us reach the finish line. Seems logical, yet it is often easier said than done. Here are some thoughts on how to increase your chances of reaching your objectives; often by getting out of your own way.
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December 2024
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