Spring has sprung, which is typically the time to start bringing our yards back to life. We all know that if we don’t invest the time in taking care of our yards, our plants, fruit trees, and lawns will eventually wither away and die. The same goes for our existing client relationships. I am not necessarily talking about our active clients, but the clients we have known for years but have not heard from in a long time. Often times we overlook the relationships with whom we’ve invested so much time and energy. The rapport and trust is there; who is to say they won’t buy from us again?
It is simply a matter of staying in touch and taking care of these relationships. So many of us are always looking outside of our own “backyards” to find new relationships. That is okay, and very important, but don’t forget about the people who have bought from you in the past! It doesn’t take much time and effort to check back in with them and replant those relationships.This is the low hanging fruit that often times is overlooked. Here are three “gardening” tips that will help revive your old client relationships back to life.
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November 2024
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